Industrial Advisory Board
Want to join?
The PSWE Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) consists of members who are working in or have worked in industry. You can contact the PSWE president at the email found on the executive board page.
Purdue Society of Women Engineers - Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) Qualifications
The purpose of the PSWE IAB is to:
Assist PSWE in establishing annual and long-term goals
Present a source of knowledge, experience, ideas and continuum
It follows that, to accomplish these goals, Members of the IAB must:
Attend at least one of the two annual IAB meetings held on campus at Purdue University. If unable to attend, IAB members are encouraged to provide a representative from their company to attend. Meetings are generally held during the following times:
Industrial Roundtable Career Fair
Spring EXPO Career Fair
Be committed to the existence and success of Purdue SWE and women in the field of engineering.
Have knowledge of Purdue SWE and, to some extent, National SWE.
New IAB members will be selected by the officers under recommendation of present IAB members or the officers or the directors of PSWE.